Kamis, 29 September 2011

Surrealism: Idea and Concept

So for the final project of our Image Manipulation class, we're assigned to make a Surrealism artwork. On the first week we're told to do research on surrealism artworks and do some mind map to come up for our own idea. I then came out with an idea which is with 2 main idea; ' The Staircase to Heaven' and 'World's Apocalypse'.

Why I came up with these 2 main ideas? mmh, its actually because im interested in religious stuffs since i was a kid, and as a kid, i have my own imagination on how the world apocalypse will look like and i thought why not show what i imagine of the world? how i imagine the world is there will be a floating kingdom and the surrounding area is all dead, dark and gloomy and only the floating kingdom shines showing it is the only place where life will be.

I've made 2 moodboards to have the look and feel for my final artwork. and these are the moodboards:

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